These days there’s a great deal of emphasis on being budget-friendly and sustainable. Steel shipping containers deliver significant value in both these areas and are also one of the most durable types of containers. Many urban areas and school districts face the need to cut costs and be as economical as possible – shipping containers can provide the ideal solution to these requirements. With Jake Containers of New Jersey, you’ll have the option of renting or buying either a 20-foot shipping container or a 40-foot shipping container to accommodate whatever kinds of storage needs you might have.
Reasons to use shipping containers for school or municipal purposes
Many school organizations and municipal authorities have already discovered the tremendous versatility of using either 20-foot storage containers or 40-foot storage containers to great advantage. There’s no question these containers are one of the most cost-effective solutions available today, and since they provide durable, weathertight storage indefinitely, they can be almost irreplaceable. The fact that they last so long and offer the perfect solution for all kinds of storage needs also makes them one of the most sustainable solutions for all types of storage needs and modified usage. Here are some reasons these containers are so sustainable and cost-effective in these roles:
- Seasonal Storage – Conex boxes are an easy, cost effective solution to storing extra desks, chairs, and school supplies. Many school districts use Jake Containers to store important equipment while doing necessary maintenance projects to school grounds and classrooms.
- Shipping Container Schools – there are many impoverished areas around the country that lack the means to construct full-blown new schools for area students. Large shipping containers can be modified inexpensively to provide classrooms that are immune to external weather conditions and still offer some level of comfort to occupants.
- School Expansion – some schools are faced with budget cuts at the same time that student populations are growing. One of the best answers to this crisis is to install shipping containers that can be used for classrooms or storing many of the tools and equipment necessary to conduct classes.
- Sustainability Advantages – shipping containers can be re-purposed, they are energy-efficient, they create multi-functional storage areas, they reduce waste in urban and school sites, and they have little or no environmental impact.
- Urbanization Projects – many urbanization projects are carried out in areas of high traffic and population, such as in metro areas. Shipping containers can be used to store many of the materials needed for the project, thus reducing transportation needs, hazards, and access time.
- Testing Future Community Features – storage containers provide an ideal way for both school and urban planners to test out new features that may be added in the future. This can help to decide whether installing more permanent features is justified and should be planned.
Buying/Renting Shipping Containers for School and Municipal Usage
Buying or renting shipping containers from Jake Containers of New Jersey can be one of the most cost-effective and sustainable ways of providing all kinds of temporary shelter for various needs. Since these containers can be modified to accommodate a wide range of functions, they are also one of the most versatile types of shelters on the market. Considering that they’re also highly durable and weathertight, it would be hard to imagine a more helpful kind of storage container. Contact us today at Jake Containers to discuss your storage needs and arrive at the perfect solution for your purposes.